Recognizing Christ as the Savior of All

We are the church at the home of the Evely family in Wilmore, Kentucky (see Romans 16:5 and 1 Corinthians 16:19).


We spent our entire lives within the traditional church, but “dropped out” when we realized that most teachings we had been indoctrinated with were based on the traditions and opinions of men, and not upon the Bible.


Consider that there are many churches of varying denominations that teach drastically different things … all claiming to teach directly from the Bible. How can this be?


The problem is that there is only one CHURCH (God’s invisible Church). There are many different visible churches of man’s creation, but they are not the real CHURCH. Instead of sowing seeds of truth as revealed by God, these man-made churches are sowing seeds of confusion. Church membership, creeds, articles of religion, worship styles, evangelism programs … these are, for the most part, the schemes and ideas of men, and are not found within the Bible.


We do not claim to have all the answers, but we do challenge that which has been deemed “orthodox” by the traditional church. We encourage no one to believe our perspectives just because we believe them to be correct. Like the Bereans of old, listen to what we have to say … think for yourself … and study God’s Word to determine the truth that God has revealed.


We invite you to click on the links found at the top of this page. Here you will find our past newsletters and other writings.


A final word … Throughout the Bible the majority was not correct. The prophets, Jesus, Paul … were all in the minority. The majority within the church may believe certain things to be true (i.e. “orthodoxy”), but this does not mean these things are in fact true! STUDY AND THINK FOR YOURSELF! Do not believe your pastor, your Bible teacher, your favorite author, your family members or your friends without studying and thinking for yourself.


Yours in Christ Jesus,

Bob & Jill Evely
