God Will Save All

Why We Believe God Will Save ALL!!

For a complete review of the evidence, Biblical and historical, in support of the fact that God intends to ultimately save ALL mankind, you can order Bob’s book, “At the End of the Ages … The Abolition of Hell.” Bob wrote this upon leaving the traditional church, to show that he continues to believe the Bible is 100% God’s Word … and it very clearly teaches that God’s plan is to save ALL.


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Free Brochure

We have also developed two brochures that summarize the evidence. You can download by clicking on the following links, print on both sides of the page, and tri-fold.

        Brochure: Why I Believe God Will Save ALL

        Brochure: Is Hell Eternal, What Does the Bible Say?


Following is just a brief look at some of the evidence:



The Greek “aionian” should be translated “eonian” or “age-abiding,” and not eternal as we find in most Bible translations. This is made very clear if we study every instance where “aion” or “aionian” is used in Scripture.


  • It is sometimes singular (aion)

  • It is sometimes plural (aions)

  • We see references to “before the eons”

  • We see references to “end of the eons”

  • Even our popular English translations find it necessary to use “age” or another word in some instances, because the context clearly shows that the word cannot mean “endless”

And … many (perhaps most) of the very early “Church Fathers” understood the word to mean age-abiding, and not endless.


The implication … God’s punishment (a better word is correction) is not eternal, but for an age (however long God determines is necessary to accomplish His purposes).



Many passages throughout God’s Word speak of ALL being saved.


  • It is clearly God’s will that all are saved (1 Timothy 2:4)

  • God operates all in accord with the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11)

We only have difficulty believing that the ALL passages really mean ALL, because of a number of other passages that seem to be talking about some spending eternity in hell. But once we see that punishment/correction is not endless, but for a period of time, we see that ALL really does mean ALL!



The word commonly translated “hell” in our popular English translations is an incorrect translation. It is a mixing together of several different words found in the Hebrew and Greek.


  • The Hebrew “sheol” (which means “unseen place”)

  • The Greek “hades” (which means “unseen place”)

  • The Greek “Gehenna” (the Valley of Hinnom … a physical refuse dump outside of Jerusalem where those guilty of crimes will be cast when the kingdom is established upon the earth in the coming age)

  • The Greek “Tartarus” (a holding place for angels, not human beings, as they await judgment)

We note that the penalty for sin is death, and death is the sole penalty we see meted out in the entire Old Testament. Our notion of “hell” came largely from pagan writers who developed fictional speculations about the afterlife. As for the Hebrew and Greek words translated “hell” in our modern translations, a careful study will show that none speak of the “hell” that those within the church teach today.



The lake of fire, as found in the book of Revelation, is:


  • Not eternal, but will be abolished at the end of the ages, and

  • Not for the purpose of tormenting, but to refine, purge & correct

Temporal wickedness and rejection of God in this life is compensated with a temporal (and not eternal) punishment/correction, with the ultimate purpose of restoring ALL of God’s creation. This is consistent with God’s character, a loving Father who will not be satisfied until the final lost sheep is safely within the fold.



The greatest command is love. God is love. God commands us to forgive. Understanding that God will use the lake of fire as a means to refine, and to bring all into willing subjection to Him at the end of the ages, is consistent with His character of love.



Most in the early church in the first few centuries following the departure of Christ believed that in the end God will save all mankind. In these early times most understood that “aionian” meant “for the ages” and not “endlessly.” Most understood that God did not torment the wicked endlessly, but that He disciplined and refined the wicked for “the ages.”



Revelation tells us of things that will take place in the final eons (ages). But 1 Corinthians 15 tells us of things that will take place AFTER the eons (ages) have concluded. Here we see the climax of God’s revelation, when all come into a willing subjection to Christ, and when God becomes All in all.


We cannot confuse the end of Revelation (the final eon), where the lake of fire is still burning, with 1 Corinthians 15 (after the eons have concluded) where the lake of fire (the second death) is abolished and all things are reconciled to God.



There are a number of reasons to conclude that the events of 1 Corinthians 15 take place AFTER the conclusion of Revelation.


In Revelation we observe:

  • The slaves of God are reigning (22:5)

  • There are still “kings of the earth” (21:24)

But in 1 Corinthians we see:

  • All sovereignty, authority and power are nullified (15:24)

In Revelation we observe:

  • Christ is seated on the throne (21:5)

But in 1 Corinthians we see:

  • Christ must reign UNTIL He places all enemies under His feet, and then Christ gives up the kingdom (15:24) and subjects Himself to God (15:25-28)

In Revelation we observe:

  • The lake of fire (second death) still exists (21:8)

But in 1 Corinthians we see:

  • The last enemy (death) is abolished (15:27)

In Revelation we observe:

  • Leaves on the tree for “the cure of the nations” (this would seem to imply that corruptible bodies need these leaves to sustain life)

But in 1 Corinthians we see:

  • Incorruptible, spiritual bodies (15:42-44)

In Revelation we observe:

  • Twelve tribes (21:12)

  • Twelve apostles (21:14)

  • Nations outside the city (21:24)

  • Nations blessed secondarily thru the Jews

But in Paul’s writings we see:

  • No Jewish preference seen in 1 Corinthians 15

  • No barrier between Jew and Gentile in Paul’s writings

  • Gentiles are joint heirs

Revelation describes life upon the earth, and upon the new earth, in the final ages (eons). But 1 Corinthians 15 describes what occurs after the ages have been completed, culminating with Christ turning over the kingdom to God, and with God becoming All in all.